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We offer a limited number of paid work placements for participants that meet our strict recruitment criteria.

Placements vary in duration from 2 to 8 months depending on the start date. The average stay is 3 to 4 months.

Usually participants live with a host family on a self-catered basis near to the workplace. A commitment to stay in WEA accommodation for a minimum of 7 weeks, payable in advance, is compulsory. If trainees wish to stay longer, housing fees can paid to WEA on a weekly basis by bank transfer. Alternatively, trainees can seek their own accommodation after 7 weeks.

We help with the practical details of the employment such as:

Opening a bank account

Completion of a Tax Office form

Organisation of a National Insurance number

Employees will be paid at least the Ireland national minimum wage and we ask all employers to provide at least 30 hours work per week.

Participants have access to our Student Support Officers and 24 hour emergency phone number.



- minimum English language level of B1,

- minimum age 16 years old,

- availability over busy holiday periods (Easter, Summer, public holidays),

- a comprehensive CV detailing previous work experience,

- being prepared to undertake a telephone/Skype interview after submission of application,

- a recent photograph included in your application.

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